Samsung Electronics today announced the launch of its 1-terabyte (TB) PRO Plus and EVO Plus microSD cards, pushing the boundaries of storage capacity and performance for mobile devices. Leveraging the company's advanced eighth-generation V-NAND (V8) technology, these new cards cater to the growing demands of content creators and tech enthusiasts who require ample storage and swift data transfer speeds.
“The demand for high-capacity, reliable storage in portable devices is skyrocketing,” said Hangu Sohn, Vice President of Memory Brand Product Biz Team at Samsung Electronics. “The PRO Plus and EVO Plus 1TB microSD cards address this need, offering a secure and robust solution for storing vast amounts of high-quality data on the go.”
The 1TB capacity is a significant leap for microSD cards, bringing them in line with the storage commonly found in SSDs. Users can now store over 400,000 4K UHD images or more than 45 console games on a single card, expanding the possibilities for smartphones, action cameras, drones, and handheld gaming consoles.
Beyond sheer capacity, Samsung has prioritized performance. The PRO Plus boasts sequential read speeds of up to 180MB/s and write speeds of up to 130MB/s, ideal for handling large media files and demanding workflows. The EVO Plus, designed for everyday use, offers transfer speeds of up to 160MB/s, ensuring smooth multitasking and application performance.
Both cards feature a more power-efficient 28nm controller, extending device battery life. Durability and reliability are also paramount, with rigorous testing demonstrating resistance to water, extreme temperatures, X-rays, magnetic fields, drops, and wear-and-tear.
The PRO Plus and EVO Plus 1TB microSD cards are compatible with a wide range of devices, including Android smartphones, tablets, and handheld gaming consoles. They will be available globally in July 2024, with pricing starting at $153.99 for the PRO Plus 1TB and $131.99 for the EVO Plus 1TB, both backed by a 10-year limited warranty. This release solidifies Samsung’s leadership in the memory technology landscape, offering consumers powerful and reliable storage solutions for the increasingly data-driven world.
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